Friday, July 4, 2008

Who am I interviewing?

David Morrison suggested that I post a list on this blog of the names of people I am interviewing. I thiink that is a great idea, because it not only shows you all who is involved, but it also gives you a chance to correct any misspellings of your names. :)

So far I have interviewed 50 people in 34 different interviews. I've interviewed both women and men. I've interviewed former program participants, former staff, volunteers, funders, family members, supporters, and really anyone who was involved or associated with the early days of PAC or any days up to the present of the Confidence Clinic.

At this point I have four people scheduled for interviews and about twenty more identified and in some stage of being contacted or scheduled. And I haven't even really started on a major outreach effort (ads in newspapers, Craig's list, etc.) which I plan to do this month. Flo Shively has promised to help me with that effort.

I have a past participant, Debi Mesburg, volunteering to do the initial transcribing, and I am going over each one to do fine tuning as to punctuation, figuring out indeciferable sounds, etc. Debi is an expert at grammar and spelling and is doing a fabulous job, so my part of the job is relatively easy. About half of the 34 interviews have been transcribed, although most of the transcriptions still need fine tuning. Considering that we have only been working on this full out since March of this year (only three interviews of four people had been done before March, and no transcripts at all), I think we have accomplished a lot.

The people interviewed so far (as of July 4, 2008) are listed below, alphabetically:

Lori Agost, Lois Allen, Barbara Beatty, Marge (Clark) Bladorn, Jean Burpee, Dr. Jon Burpee, Arlene Dugan, Patrick Dugan, Doug Eckstein, Margaret (Walker) Ellison, Larry Flanagan, Kathy Frazer, Bonnie Ford, Allison Green, Katie Hankins, Victoria Hawks, Karen Horne, Lois Inmann, Neal Itzkowitz, Myrna Judd, Carolyn Kemp, Peggy Kennerly, Judy Lasswell, Larry Lissman, Jerry Lopez, Betti Manfre, Charity McSperitt, Barbara Miles, Betty Moore, Michelle Moore, David Morrison, Toni Morton, Martha Mosely, Mary (Bowden) Murphy, Sylvia Nichols, Lenore Paulsen, Beverly Paulson, Jacie Pratt, Sonya Pullen, Eva Reynolds, Joy Rich, Doug Robertson, Patrick Robertson, Shantel Rice, Sharon Sawicki, Cindi Shepard, David Sonnie, Mary Waggoner, Shannon Waggoner, Al Walker.

A heartfelt "Thank You" to all of you who have given me your time and your thoughts in interviews.

I will update this list periodically to include new interviewees.


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